Friday, January 18, 2008

Another chance...

So yesterday at 5:15 the buyer of my business called and said she wouldn't be there at 7 (less than 2 hours later) to pick everything up after all. She said she wasn't going to buy it unless I sold it to her for almost HALF of what I was asking.

So, of course I still have it and unless I find another buyer in the next week or so, I will just plan on keeping it. Pretty lame though on her part! Especially because I have spent the past few days doing nothing BUT vinyl orders for everyone who thought I wasn't going to have it anymore. At least everyone had about a week to get whatever they wanted at half off though!


all that i love said...

That really sucks! But if it were me I think I would just end up keeping it. Funny that I just deleted your web site off my blog today. Let me know if it sales. I should get Warren to buy it for me.

Cheryl said...

Becky, that just stinks, I'm so sorry. However, I still haven't ever even ordered anything from and just love the stuff that Laura has in her place from you. You are awesome...hang in there...I'm impressed.

Amanda said...

Sorry for the letdown! I wonder why she suddenly decided to pull that crazy stunt on doesn't really make any sense. You're probably better off without her! Hang in there!

Kristin said...

Bummer it didn't sell. I have a request to make then and I will email you later. Lv Ya.