Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm not responsible...

So, I have heard several times that each time you are pregnant, you lose brain cells and I'm living proof of that. Saturday night we had NAI's Black Tie Winter Gala that we go to every January. It wasn't so bad this time, and I'll tell you why later. Anyway, one of Tim's co-workers wives came up to me and this is our conversation:

Her: "When are you due"
Me: (not sure if I heard her right because it was pretty loud) "what?!"
Her: "Wait, are you pregnant?" (she was very hesitant to ask at that point)
Me: "oh yeah, I'm due in May"
Her: "me too! I'm due the 27th and we're having a boy."
Me: "Oh, congratulations! I'm due the 8th, and we're having a boy too!"

---About an hour or so goes by---

Her: "So do you guys have a name picked out for your little boy?"
Me: "Wait, I know I told you I'm having a boy, but really I'm having a girl"
Her: (laughing)"Well, you aren't responsible for anything you say while you are pregnant. So you're having a girl then?"
Me: "Ummm, I think so...wait, I don't remember...ummm, well, we bought girl bedding already so yes, I'm having a girl."
Her: (she is looking at me like I'm the craziest person she has ever met and can't say anything because she is laughing so hard)
Me: (I am laughing so hard I'm almost crying but I seriously can't remember for the life of me what I am having!)

My head is a little more clear today and I am positive that I am, in fact, having a girl!

Now the reason why this year wasn't as bad as the past 3...Tim was one of 3 people nominated from his whole company, statewide, for "Breakout Agent of the Year 2007"! Basically, that's most improved agent. He didn't win but I don't even care. I'm so proud of him for being nominated! The winner did get a trip to Maui for a week, but we couldn't have gone anyway because the trip was planned for 3 weeks before I'm due. But, next year he better win an award so we can go on the trip! Congratulations, though Tim! I love you and am SO proud of you!

(sorry no pictures of Tim in his tux and me in my formal maternity dress)


Ricki said...

We ALL have pregnancy moments like that! I once opened the fridge door and found a shoe! Yes a shoe! I had put a shoe in the fridge where I meant to put the ketchup! I think we are still looking for that ketchup bottle!LOL!

Amanda said...

At least you have an excuse...I'm not pregnant, nor will I be, and I have moments like this practically on a daily basis!

Peter and Jen Bell said...

I was laughing so hard at this entry. I was reading it at my desk at work and burst out in a very audible laugh. Oh wow, I'm so proud of you.

laurel said...

I am laughing so hard right now. I love when I laugh out loud at the computer.

Oh, and I want to see pictures!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to bother you but I have no other way to talk to you. My name is Stacey I live in Indiana and I have six kids. We are going for number 7 and we were working on baby names. I googled the name Tallan since it is a name we are considering. If you don't mine emailing me so I can ask you a couple of questions about it.

My email is or you can get me on myspace at

Thank you!!!