Friday, January 11, 2008

Last Chance for Vinyl...

I have a buyer for my vinyl business and I have less than a week to get any orders done before they come pick it up. Let me know if there is anything you want asap. I am doing all orders from now on at 50% off! Email me or order through my website:



Amanda said...

Becky: I left a message on Flinder's phone: it's the only phone number I have! I don't have your email address either...I want to order some vinyl from you, but what I want isn't on your website! Call me! (I won't post my number here, but I'll also txt my phone number to Flinder's phone). Thanks!

Jade and Todd said...

How are you guys?! It is so funny who you can find in this blog world!We are living in Perry and we have just the two kids, Porter and Marli! Your kids look so sweet! What are you guys up to? Nice to "run" into ya!

Todd and Jenn said...

Hey Becky! I hope that it isn't too late to order. I put some orders in on your website tonight. Hopefully not too many. I'm glad that you sold your business since you'll probably be so busy when the new baby comes, but you really are so talented at it. I can't imagine you not doing it anymore. We finally bought Settlers, we should play soon.